- Abuse History is related to Autonomic Regulation to Mild Exercise and Psychological Wellbeing
- Assessing body awareness and autonomic reactivity: Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Body Perception Questionnaire-Short Form (BPQ-SF)
- Autonomic nervous system activity of preschool-age children who stutter
- The biochemistry of love: an oxytocin hypothesis
- Cardiac vagal dysfunction moderates patterns of craving across the day in moderate to heavy consumers of alcohol
- Chronic Diffuse Pain and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders After Traumatic Stress: Pathophysiology Through a Polyvagal Perspective
- Corrigendum: Chronic Diffuse Pain and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders After Traumatic Stress: Pathophysiology Through a Polyvagal Perspective
- The covariation of acoustic features of infant cries and autonomic state
- Diminution of Heart Rate Variability in Bipolar Depression
- The Early Development of the Autonomic Nervous System Provides a Neural Platform for Social Behavior: A Polyvagal Perspective
- Effect of Alcohol on Vagal Regulation of Cardiovascular Function: Contributions of the Polyvagal Theory to the Psychophysiology of Alcohol
- Emotion Recognition in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Relations to Eye Gaze and Autonomic State
- Heart Rate Variability Predicts Treatment Outcome in Major Depression
- Infant Regulatory Disorders: Temperamental, Physiological, and Behavioral Features
- Music Therapy & Trauma: Insights from the Polyvagal Theory
- Maladaptive autonomic regulation in PTSD accelerates physiological aging
- Making the World Safe for our Children:Down-regulating Defence and Up-regulating Social Engagement to ‘Optimise’ the Human Experience
- Mindfulness-Based Movement: A Polyvagal Perspective
- NEUROCEPTION: A Subconscious System for Detecting Threats and Safety
- The Neurobiology of Feeling Safe
- Orienting in a defensive world: Mammalian modifications of our evolutionary heritage. A Polyvagal Theory
- Play as a Neural Exercise: Insights from the Polyvagal Theory
- Polyvagal Theory and the Social Engagement System: Neurophysiological Bridge Between Connectedness and Health
- The Polyvagal Perspective
- The polyvagal theory: New insights into adaptive reactions of the autonomic nervous system
- The Polyvagal Theory: phylogenetic contributions to social behavior
- The polyvagal theory: phylogenetic substrates of a social nervous system
- Prediction of Childhood Problems at Three Years in Children Experiencing Disorders of Regulation During Infancy
- Psychophysiological Studies of Attention During Infancy and Early Childhood
- Reciprocal influences between body and brain in the perception and expression of affect: A polyvagal perspective
- Reduced Heart Rate Variability in Chronic Alcohol Abuse: Relationship with Negative Mood, Chronic Thought Suppression, and Compulsive Drinking
- Reducing auditory hypersensitivities in autistic spectrum disorder: preliminary findings evaluating the listening project protocol
- Regulatory Disorders II: Psychophysiologic Perspectives
- The Role of Social Engagement in Attachment and Bonding: A Phylogenetic Perspective
- The Roots of Empathy
- Sensory Difficulties in Children With an FMR1 Premutation
- Sluggish vagal brake reactivity to physical exercise challenge in children with selective mutism
- Social Engagement and Attachment: A Phylogenetic Perspective
- Stress and Parasympathetic Control
- Trauma and the Polyvagal Theory: A commentary
- Vagal Modulation of Responses to Mental Challenge in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- The Vagus: A Mediator of Behavioral and Physiologic Features Associated with Autism
- Vagal pathways: Portals to Compassion
- The Autonomic Nervous System
- A unifying conceptual framework of factors associated to cardiac vagal control
- A Beginner’s Guide to Polyvagal Theory
- Beyond Allostatic Load: The Stress Response System as a Mechanism of Conditional Adaptation
- Breath of Life: The Respiratory Vagal Stimulation Model of Contemplative Activity
- Evidence-Based Role of Hypercapnia and Exhalation Phase in Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Insights into Hypercapnic Yoga Breathing Exercises
- Mindfulness-Based Movement: A Polyvagal Perspective
- Moderate Baseline Vagal Tone Predicts Greater Prosociality in Children
- Polyvagal Theory: Introduction for Somatic Psychotherapy
- Self-esteem and Autonomic Physiology: Parallels Between Self-Esteem and Cardiac Vagal Tone as Buffers of Threat
- Vagal Activity Is Quadratically Related to Prosocial Traits, Prosocial Emotions, and Observer Perceptions of Prosociality
- Vagal Flexibility: A Physiological Predictor of Social Sensitivity
- 12 Ways to Unlock the Powers of the Vagus Nerve
- 30 Ways To Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve
- Natural Vagus Nerve Stimulation
- Abnormal autonomic and associated brain activities during rest in autism spectrum disorder
- Autism as a developmental disorder in intentional movement and affective engagement
- Autonomic Dysfunction in Catatonia in Autism: Implications of a Vagal Theory
- Autonomic Dysregulation During Sensory Stimulation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Brief Report: Social Skills, Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms, and Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia in Autism
- Cardiac Autonomic Regulation in Autism and Fragile X Syndrome: A Review
- Heart rate variability during sleep in children with autism spectrum disorder
- Investigating the Autonomic Nervous System Response to Anxiety in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- The Listening Program
- Mental Health and Autism: Promoting Autism FaVourable Environments (PAVE)
- Neural Mechanisms Involved in Hypersensitive Hearing: Helping Children with ASD Who Are Overly Sensitive to Sounds
- Parasympathetic functions in children with sensory processing disorder
- Parasympathetic Response Profiles Related to Social Functioning in Young Children with Autistic Disorder
- Patterns of Risk for Multiple Co-Occurring Medical Conditions Replicate Across Distinct Cohorts of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Patterns of Sensitivity to Emotion in Children with Williams Syndrome and Autism: Relations Between Autonomic Nervous System Reactivity and Social Functioning
- Physiologic Arousal to Social Stress in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Pilot Study
- Physiological Response to Social Evaluative Threat in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Respiratory sinus arrhythmia and auditory processing in autism: Modifiable deficits of an integrated social engagement system?
- Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia: A Marker for Positive Social Functioning and Receptive Language Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- The Role of Emotion Regulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder RH: Emotion Regulation in ASD
- Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory: The Emergence of Polyvagal-Informed Therapies (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
- Complementary and Integrative Treatments in Psychiatric Practice
- The Pocket Guide to the Polyvagal Theory: The Transformative Power of Feeling Safe (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
- The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-regulation (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
- EBook: Healing Trauma Pain Through Polyvagal Science–Dr. Peter Levine, Dr. Stephen Porges, Dr. Maggie Phillips
- Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve: Self-Help Exercises for Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Autism
- Activate Your Vagus Nerve: Unleash Your Body’s Natural Ability to Heal
- Beyond Behaviors: Using Brain Science and Compassion to Understand and Solve Children’s Behavioral Challenges
- The Body Remembers Volume 2: Revolutionizing Trauma Treatment
- GROUNDED: Discovering the Missing Piece in the Puzzle of Children’s Behaviour
- Healing the Fractured Child: Diagnosis and Treatment of Youth With Dissociation
- The Heart of Trauma: Healing the Embodied Brain in the Context of Relationships
- Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence
- Healing Developmental Trauma: How Early Trauma Affects Self-Regulation, Self-Image, and the Capacity for Relationship
- An Integrative Approach to Treating Babies and Children: A Multidisciplinary Guide
- Music Therapy Handbook
- Neurocounseling: Brain-Based Clinical Approaches
- Nurturing Resilience: Helping Clients Move Forward from Developmental Trauma-An Integrative Somatic Approach
- Play-Based Interventions for Childhood Anxieties, Fears, and Phobias
- Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection: A Guide for Therapists to Help their Clients
- The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy: Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation
- Reframe Your Thinking Around Autism: How the Polyvagal Theory and Brain Plasticity Help Us Make Sense of Autism
- Relational and Body-Centered Practices for Healing Trauma: Lifting the Burdens of the Past
- Rhythms of Relating in Children’s Therapies: Connecting Creatively with Vulnerable Children
- Social and Emotional Development in Early Intervention
- Somatic Methods for Affect Regulation: A Clinician’s Guide to Healing Traumatized Youth
- Somatic Psychotherapy Toolbox: 125 Worksheets and Exercises to Treat Trauma & Stress
- The Tao of Trauma: A Practitioner’s Guide for Integrating Five Element Theory and Trauma Treatment
- Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy
- Trauma Informed Approaches to Eating Disorders
- Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: Practices for Safe and Transformative Healing
- Trauma Sensitive Yoga
- Yoga Therapy for Fear: Treating Anxiety, Depression and Rage with the Vagus Nerve and Other Techniques
- Assessing and managing mild to moderate emotion dysregulation
- Autonomic Mechanisms of Emotional Reactivity and Regulation
- Autonomic Regulation, Polyvagal Theory, and Children’s Prosocial Development
- Cardiac vagal regulation differentiates among children at risk for behavior problems
- Cardiac Vagal Tone Predicts Inhibited Attention to Fearful Faces
- Connecting Couples Intervention: Improving couples’ empathy and emotional regulation using embodied empathy mechanisms
- Effects of Emotion Regulation Difficulties on the Tonic and Phasic Cardiac Autonomic Response
- Emotion regulation and understanding Implications for child psychopathology and therapy
- Emotion Regulation via the Autonomic Nervous System in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Heart rate variability is associated with emotion recognition: Direct evidence for a relationship between the autonomic nervous system and social cognition
- How Positive Emotions Build Physical Health: Perceived Positive Social Connections Account for the Upward Spiral Between Positive Emotions and Vagal Tone
- Individual Differences in Trajectories of Emotion Regulation Processes: The Effects of Maternal Depressive Symptomatology and Children’s Physiological Regulation
- Multi-Faceted Emotion Regulation, Stress, and Affect in Mothers of Young Children
- A neurobiological model for the effects of early brainstem functioning on the development of behavior and emotion regulation in infants: implications for prenatal and perinatal risk
- Respiratory sinus arrhythmia, emotion, and emotion regulation during social interaction
- Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Reactivity Predicts Emotion Regulation and Depressive Symptoms in At-risk and Control Children
- Resting State Vagally-Mediated Heart Rate Variability Is Associated With Neural Activity During Explicit Emotion Regulation
- The Role of Emotion Regulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder RH: Emotion Regulation in ASD
- Upward spirals of the heart: Autonomic flexibility, as indexed by vagal tone, reciprocally and prospectively predicts positive emotions and social connectedness
- Vagal Tone and Children’s Delay of Gratification: Differential Sensitivity Across Resource Poor and Resource Rich Environments
- Activating attachments enhances heart rate variability
- Alteration of Heart Rate Variability in Patients of Depression
- Autonomic Correlates of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Preschool Children
- Autonomic impairment in Borderline Personality Disorder: A laboratory investigation
- A bihemispheric autonomic model for traumatic stress effects on health and behavior
- Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Regulation: Insights from the Polyvagal Theory
- Broad implications for respiratory sinus arrhythmia development: Associations with childhood symptoms of psychopathology in a community sample
- Can Embodied Contemplative Practices Accelerate Resilience Training and Trauma Recovery?
- Early Adversity, RSA, and Inhibitory Control: Evidence of Children’s Neurobiological Sensitivity to Social Context
- Emotional and Interoceptive Awareness and Its Relationship to Restriction in Young Women with Eating Disorders and Healthy Controls: a Cascade from Emotional to Behavioral Dysregulation
- A groundwork for allostatic neuro-education
- Heart Rate Variability in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Pilot Study
- Increased Frequency of Skin-to-Skin Contact Is Associated with Enhanced Vagal Tone and Improved Health Outcomes in Preterm Neonates
- An Integrative Bio-Psycho-Social Theory of Anorexia Nervosa
- Intersections between cardiac physiology, emotion regulation and interpersonal warmth in preschoolers: Implications for drug abuse prevention from translational neuroscience
- Interoception and Autonomic Correlates During Social Interactions. Implications for Anorexia
- Longitudinal Associations Between Temperament and Socioemotional Outcomes in Young Children: The Moderating Role of RSA and Gender
- Disruption of Bradycardia During Vigilance: Autonomic Cardiac Dysregulation is Prelude to Disinhibition, Hyperarousal, and Attention Bias in Combat Veterans with PTSD
- The Impact of Nutrition on the Autonomic Nervous System
- Mind Body Skills for Regulating the Autonomic Nervous System
- Mother-Infant Psychotherapy Informed by Polyvagal Theory
- Neurophysiological and neurocognitive mechanisms underlying the effects of yoga-based practices: towards a comprehensive theoretical framework
- Nonverbal behaviors are associated with increased vagal activity in major depressive disorder: Implications for the polyvagal theory
- Optimizing arousal to manage aggression: A pilot study of sensory modulation
- Parasympathetic Reactivity in Fibromyalgia and Temporomandibular Disorder: Associations with Sleep Problems, Symptom Severity, and Functional Impairment
- Parental Skills and Embodiment in Childhood
- Physiological and Relational Predictors of Mother-Infant Behavioral Coordination
- Polyvagal theory, neurodevelopment and psychiatric disorders
- Polyvagal Theory and Developmental Psychopathology: Emotion Dysregulation and Conduct Problems from Preschool to Adolescence
- Positive association between nightmares and heart rate response to loud tones: relationship to parasympathetic dysfunction in PTSD nightmares
- Psychophysiological arousal and biased perception of bodily anxiety symptoms in socially anxious children and adolescents: a systematic review
- Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Moderates the Relation between Parent-Adolescent Relationship Quality and Adolescents’ Social Adjustment
- Resting Vagal Tone and Vagal Response to Stress: Associations with Anxiety, Aggression and Perceived Anxiety Control among Youth
- Sensory Interventions for Psychiatric Crisis in Emergency Departments-A New Paradigm
- Sensory processing in internationally adopted, postinstitutionalized children
- The simultaneous assessment of and relations between children’s sympathetic and parasympathetic psychophysiology and their reactive and proactive aggression
- Social Cognition and Functional Outcome in Schizophrenia: The Moderating Role of Cardiac Vagal Tone
- Socioeconomic Adversity, Negativity in the Parent ChildRelationship, and Physiological Reactivity: An Examination of Pathways and Interactive Processes Affecting Young Children’s Physical Health
- Therapeutic Presence: An Essential Way of Being
- Therapeutic Presence: Neurophysiological Mechanisms Mediating Feeling Safe in Therapeutic Relationships
- Trauma-informed care in the newborn intensive care unit: promoting safety, security and connectedness
- Understanding Anxiety in Borderline Personality Disorder
- Vagal Recovery From Cognitive Challenge Moderates Age-Related Deficits in Executive Functioning
- Yoga Therapy and Polyvagal Theory: The Convergence of Traditional Wisdom and Contemporary Neuroscience for Self-Regulation and Resilience
- Stephen Porges and Rick Hanson on Resilience
- iLs interview with Stephen Porges: https://soundcloud.com/ils-podcast/stephen-porges-full-interview
- Stephen Porges Global Stress Summit 2017 Interview: Rewiring Neurological Safety
- The Science of Compassion: Origins, Measures, and Interventions – Stephen Porges, Ph.D.
- The Psychophysiology of Compassion
- The Science of Safety with Stephen Porges
- Stephen Porges: The Polyvagal Theory & The Vagal Nerve
- Talk Time Featuring Dr. Stephen Porges: Polyvagal Theory
- Stephen Porges on the Causes of Distorted Social Engagement
- The Neuroscience and Power of Safe Relationships
- The Polyvagal Theory and PTSD with Stephen Porges
- Stephen Porges – Polyvagal Theory: how your body makes the decision
- Stephen Porges-The Dharma Cafe
- Dr. Stephen Porges on Polyvagal Theory & Romantic Relationships
- How the Brain Works with the Vagus with Stephen Porges
- Stephen Porges on Reciprocal Interaction
- Stephen Porges on the Building Blocks of Healthy Relationships
- Understanding Irrational Threat Responses in Relationships
- Mindfulness and Co-Regulation
- A Body-Focused Strategy to Help Clients Engage with Others
- The Body’s Adaptive Response to Trauma
- Optimizing human experiences through the lens of the Polyvagal Theory with Dr. Stephen Porges
- How to Help a Traumatized Body Relax without Fear
- How We Impact Our Children’s Nervous System with Dr. Stephen Porges
- What Causes Misophonia? [Podcast with Dr. Stephen Porges]
- Breath of Life Conference 2013 – Panel Discussion
- #WiseGirl, Dr. Stephen Porges: Polyvagal Theory, Trauma, Safety/Intimacy & Mindfulness/Spirituality
- The Nervous System Circuitry of Safety, Sound & Gratitude
- TU93: Polyvagal Theory in Action – The Science and Practice of Body Regulation With Dr Stephen Porges
- Neurobiology of Social Connectedness
- Real/Fake Science Polyvagal Theory of the Nervous System
- The Polyvagal Theory: The New Science of Safety and Trauma
- Basic Human Drives: The Polyvagal Theory
- Polyvagal Theory of Trauma
- Polyvagal Theory Applied: Moving from Fight or Flight to Social Engagement for Sustainable Living
- Your Gut Is Directly Connected To Your Brain
- TU94: The Science of Self-Regulation – Breaking down Polyvagal Theory
- SSP Summary from Dr. Stephen Porges
- The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) behavioral and sensory changes in 5 days
- PRE Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) „Sophie“ and POST Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) „Sophie“
- Joanne McIntyre, OTR, MS (Psych), BCN on the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)
- Nicole Hargreaves: Safe and Sound Protocol – What is It, and How Does it Work?
- Heather MacDuffie: Understanding the Safe and Sound Protocol
- A full listing of Safe and Sound Protocol providers in the US, Canada, and Internationally can be found on the Integrated Listening Systems Homepage under iLs Providers: http://integratedlistening.com/
- Applying the Polyvagal Theory to Improve Client Outcomes
- Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory Featuring Dr. Stephen Porges
- The Healing Trauma Summit
- A Neural Love Code: The Body’s Need to Engage and Bond
- Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory I: Symbiotic Regulation of the Autonomic Nervous System
- Faulty Neuroception: How Trauma Distorts Perception and Displaces Spontaneous Social Behaviors with Defensive Reactions
- “Don’t talk to me now, I’m scanning for danger” How your nervous system sabotages your ability to relate
- The Polyvagal Theory for Treating Trauma
- The Polyvagal Theory
- Shrink Rap Radio #265, June 3, 2011, The Polyvagal Theory with Stephen Porges, Ph.D.
- Transcript of “Stephen Porges: The Polyvagal Theory & The Vagal Nerve – #264”‘
- Stephen W. Porges, PhD: Q&A About Freezing, Fainting, and the ‘Safe’ Sounds of Music Therapy
- The Significance of Stillness
- Love’s Brain: A Conversation with Stephen Porges
- http://stephenporges.com/: This web site will keep you updated with information about seminars, workshops, and lectures that Dr. Stephen W. Porges, Ph.D, will be conducting worldwide.
- Safe and Sound Protocol: Developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, the SSP is a five-day intervention designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity while enhancing social engagement and resilience. By calming the physiological and emotional state, the door is opened for improved communication and more successful therapy
- Blog by Heather MacDuffie, PhD, LCSW with Samar Singh, PhD, and Susi Lippuner, MSW on the Safe and Sound Protocol
- https://www.kelly-mahler.com/-Kelly Mahler has been an occupational therapist for 17 years, serving school-aged children and adults. She is actively involved in several research projects pertaining to interoception and has published 7 books on a variety of topics related to social and emotional growth. Kelly recently published „The Interoception Curriculum (which) introduces professionals to a systematic, guided framework to build interoceptive awareness for improved self-regulation. The Interoception Activity Cards enhance the concepts covered in the curriculum, providing 170 additional interoception-building activities that can be done on the go!“ from: https://www.kelly-mahler.com/. Kelly also has a 4-Hour online course called the 3 Steps to Improving Interoception: An Evidence-Based Approach.
- Pat Ogden: Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute–„Sensorimotor Psychotherapy® draws from somatic therapies, neuroscience, attachment theory, and cognitive approaches, as well as from the Hakomi Method. Since the first course in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy® was offered in the early 1980’s, it has gained international acclaim. The first book on Sensorimotor Psychotherapy®, Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy, published in the Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology in 2006 gained international acclaim. The sequel to the first book, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Trauma and Attachment was published in spring of 2015.“ (from: https://www.sensorimotorpsychotherapy.org/about.html)
- Somatic Experiencing: „The Somatic Experiencing® method is a body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other stress disorders. It is the life’s work of Dr. Peter A. Levine, resulting from his multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics, together with over 45 years of successful clinical application. The SE approach releases traumatic shock, which is key to transforming PTSD and the wounds of emotional and early developmental attachment trauma.“ (from: https://traumahealing.org/about-us/#about)
- The Theraplay Institute: „Theraplay is a child and family therapy for building and enhancing attachment, self-esteem, trust in others, and joyful engagement. It is based on the natural patterns of playful, healthy interaction between parent and child and is personal, physical, and fun. Theraplay interactions focus on four essential qualities found in parent-child relationships: Structure, Engagement, Nurture, and Challenge. Theraplay sessions create an active, emotional connection between the child and parent or caregiver, resulting in a changed view of the self as worthy and lovable and of relationships as positive and rewarding.“ (from: https://theraplay.org/what-is-theraplay-3)